Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

"Racing in the Rain" Art Piece

Create an art piece using any medium you like which depicts a scene from the novel that you feel is significant, or create a piece which embodies the spirit of the entire novel, such as designing a new book cover or movie poster.

In the text box, describe the rationale behind your artpiece, what it is meant to depict, and why you think it is a goodrepresentation of The Art of Racing in the Rain.

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50 Pts

"Tails & Tales" Writing Contest

This year, our Summer Reading program is all about appreciating our furry friends in the animal kingdom!  Let’s use our creativity to imagine what life might be like as our favorite animals.  What does your dog do all day as he waits for you to come home from school?  What’s it like for a goose who makes the long journey to fly south each winter?  How does it feel to be a joey in a kangaroo’s pouch, a hermit crab in its shell, or a turtle swimming in a murky pond?  What if you were a dolphin bobbing through the waves in the ocean, or a tiger stalking a gazelle from its hiding spot in the tall grass of a savannah?  What is a typical day like for a gorilla lounging in a zoo exhibit, or an emperor penguin weathering snowstorms in the arctic? 

Put yourself in the “shoes” (so to speak!) of an animal and write a short story from their perspective. It can be a humorous exploration of what our pets think of our silly human habits—or maybe it’s a serious story about an endangered species that needs our help.  It’s up to you!

Write your story and submit it to us at totowapl@gmail.comfor the chance to win a gift card--plus bonus points on READsquared just for entering!

Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, August 18th.  Submissions should be typed and at least 200words.  Please send your story along with your name and age.

To get your bonus points for your submission here in READsquared, enter the secret code that will be sent to you after you email your story to us!

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50 Pts

"Tails and Tales" Coloring Contest

This summer is all about Tails and Tales! Let’s get creative and add a rainbow of colors to this coloring sheet featuring your friend Lionel the Library mouse, on a safari adventure where he encounters all types of fascinating creatures! You can use crayons, colored pencils, markers, paints, or whatever medium you’d like to color in the artwork. When your masterpiece is complete, share it with us by snapping a well-lit photo or scanning it into your computer and emailing it to us at totowapl@gmail.com.

Print out your copy here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VmXe3wLImvM4ih9iIgq1Nu4jeb-5MNJP/view?usp=sharing
The deadline for entries will be Wednesday, August 18th. When you submit your coloring sheet through email, you will be sent a code to enter here under "Activities" worth 50 points on READsquared just for entering the coloring contest! At the end of the summer, three lucky winners will be announced, and each winner will receive an art supply bundle so that you can keep on creating!
If that sounds like fun to you, print out the “Tails and Tales” coloring page below and start creating your work of art! We can’t wait to see what you create!

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300 Pts

Alternate Ending

Have you ever read all the way to the end of a book--only to find that you didn't like the way it ended?  It's time to imagine that you're the author of the story and craft your own ending that's even BETTER than the original. 

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50 Pts

Animal Limericks

When an animal in literature is given human traits—such as stories where a rabbit wears a dress, a frog goes to school and plays soccer, or a community of fish lives in a high-tech city made of coral—this is called “personification.” 

Use the literary device of personification to write a short poem about an animal who can talk, cook, build, or do whatever a human can!  Try making it a Limerick, which has a rhyme scheme of AABBA, in which the first, second and fifth line rhyme, while the third and fourth lines are shorter and share a different rhyme.

Here’s an example of a limerick poem about a snoring elephant:


An elephant lay in his bunk,

In slumber his chest rose and sunk,

He snored and he snored

Till the jungle folks roared-

Then his wife tied a knot in his trunk.


Give it a try to earn READsquared points and a Limerick badge!

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50 Pts

Become an Animal Researcher!

Did you know a snail can sleep for three years at a time?  Or that a blue whale can be as long as three Greyhound buses?  Or that sea otters hold each other’s paws when they sleep so they don’t drift apart?

There is so much to learn about the animal kingdom.  In fact, new species are still being discovered, in places like deep jungles, underground, and on the ocean floor! 

For this mission, it’s time for you to become an animal researcher and learn something new about your favorite animal—or an animal you’ve never heard of before! 

You can earn your Animal Researcher badge (and READsquared points!) by reading a non-fiction book about an animal that interests you!  List three unique facts that you learned about this animal below.

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50 Pts

Book Cover Art

They say not to judge a book by its cover...but don't we all?  Be an artist and redesign your own cover for a book you have read this summer.  You can make your cover by drawing, painting, or making a collage.  Upload an image of your cover art and write a short description explaining your artwork and how it relates to the book for an extra 50 points.

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50 Pts

Book Review

Let your voice be heard!  Be a critic and share your opinions about a book you've read this summer!  Your short written review will earn you 50 points!

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Community Connections

A list of activities to help you engage with your community in new and meaningful ways.

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Enter Your Special Mission Code Here

For participants who weren't able to upload their work here on Missions and sent it to us through email instead, enter your secret code here to receive your bonus points!

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20 Pts

Follow the Totowa Library on Facebook

Follow the Totowa Public Library on Facebook for an extra 30 points!

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20 Pts

Follow the Totowa Library on Instagram

Follow the Totowa Public Library on Instagram @totowapl for a bonus 30 points!

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Kindness Counts

Do something nice and show kindness to others! These activities are great ways to show your generosity.

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50 Pts

Pet Personal Narrative

Sometimes the stories about our friends with tails make the most heartwarming tales!  Write a short personal narrative piece—which means write in the first-person perspective about your own experiences—about a pet that has had an impact on you.  Whether it’s a furry friend who is currently part of your family, or your dream pet that you would like to take care of one day, write about what makes this animal so special to you and what makes them a great pet to have.

Your short personal narrative should be at least 200 words or two short paragraphs.  Submit yours below to earn points as well as the Personal Narrative Badge!

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Random Acts of Kindness

Small gestures make the most difference on a daily basis. It's easy to get so preoccupied with our own lives that we forget about others, but with just one simple act of kindness, we can change the way someone else's day goes, and we can better ourselves and the world in the process. This challenge is designed for you to take the time to do something for someone else — and hopefully they will pay it forward to the next person!

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50 Pts

Rescue Tales and Heroic Tails

Find and read an article about an animal who has done something heroic—like a seeing-eye dog, therapy animal, member of a K-9 police unit, or a pet who helped to get help for someone who was hurt.  Or find an article about an animal in need who was helped by a veterinarian, rescue team, or a compassionate bystander.  Write a short paragraph describing what happened and who the hero was in this story!

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50 Pts

Soundtrack Playlist

Imagine that you are choosing the soundtrack for the movie version of a book you have read this summer.  Pick out at least five (5) songs that remind you of the story, its themes, or the characters, and write a sentence for each explaining how each song relates to the book.   You can earn 50 points for your playlist!

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20 Pts

Subscribe to the Totowa Library on YouTube

Subscribe to the Totowa Public Library on YouTube, where we post helpful "Totowatorial" videos and event recaps, and earn an extra 30 points!

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